Get involved Fundraise for us Fundraising ideas Fundraising ideas Interested in fundraising for PACE? Then you’re in the right place. Whether you are looking for information on how to fundraise or inspiration on what to do, we are here to help. Your support is invaluable to us, so join us today and get involved! We will use our fundraising knowledge and expertise to assist you, whether you are supporting us as an individual or as part of a local club, school or group. Whether you are a first time or a regular fundraiser, we all need a little inspiration sometimes, which is why we have put together an A-Z of fundraising ideas. A Abseil Auction of promises Afternoon tea B Bake Sale Baked bean bath Beard Shaving Bring your parents or kids to work day C Coffee morning Cinema screening D Dinner Party Disco E Easter Egg Hunt Easter party F Face painting competition Football match / Five a side football Fancy dress day G Games Night Girls Night In H Head shave Hiking challenge I International Day J Jewellery making/selling James Bond party K Karaoke night Knitting L Ladies Night / Day M Marathon event Mulled wine evening N No make up day O Office Collection Day Obstacle course P Pamper Day Pancake Day Q Quiz night R Raffle Running S Sweepstake Skydiving Sponsored Silence T Tea party Tug-of-War U Uniform free day V Valentine’s Day Vintage dress up W Walking Wax It X X-Factor Competition Xbox Night Y Yoga marathon Z Zumba Zip Wire Manage Cookie Preferences