Get involved Donate Emergency Appeal Donate Fundraise While the shutdown has caused untold hardship across our community, our incredible team has risen to the challenge. We've been supporting families with socially distanced play sessions, food packages, a toy library and providing learning resources to help children continue learning, in addition to our play packs and many other services, well beyond our regular play services. We've been overwhelmed not just with the number of requests for help, but also by the stories parents have shared with us. We've heard from parents who have been living in small flats with 3 or 4 children, single parents without family or government support and parents who broke down crying because we were the first people to check up on them since the shutdown began. Our services have expanded and changed to meet the new challenges faced by Camden families. We also have not collected any fees from parents during the shutdown because we know it has been very tough for many in our community. Now we urgently need to raise funds so we can continue these much-needed services to our community and restart regular services when it is safe. Your support will make an incredible difference in the lives of children who need our services. Many of the children using our shutdown services live in crowded conditions, have very little access to outside play areas and limited toys, books and learning resources. If you cannot donate at this time, you can also support us by sharing our appeal with your friends and on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Your support of our Playcentres means both our vital work during the shutdown and our regular programmes such as After School Club, Pre-school, Holiday Playschemes, Mentoring and Short Breaks can keep benefiting our community into the future. Manage Cookie Preferences